outreach services.
Community Law Canterbury has a number of outreach services around Canterbury and Westland. When arranging an appointment we will endeavour to find a service convenient to you. Make sure you check out our do’s and don’ts before you come in.
The Loft - Linwood
Lawyers are available every Tuesday morning by appointment.
These appointments are face-to-face.
Contact our office for an appointment.
The Loft: Level 2, Eastgate Mall, Linwood
Lawyers are available for a Zoom appointment every second Thursday. The zoom session will be facilitated by City Mission who will assist with any paperwork you have.
Contact our office for appointment times.
Community House Ashburton: 44 Cass Street
Lawyers are available for a Zoom appointment every second Thursday. The zoom session will be facilitated by City Mission who will assist with any paperwork you have.
Contact our office for appointment times.
Cantec House Timaru: 22 - 28 George Street
Lawyers are available every Monday by appointment.
Please contact Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury for an appointment time: 03 313 8822
Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury: 209 High Street, Rangiora
ACTIS - Aranui
Lawyers are available every Tuesday by appointment at ACTIS.
Contact ACTIS for an appointment: 03 963 7070.
ACTIS office: 37 Hampshire Street, Aranui
Our Hornby Clinic is an appointment only service that operates every Wednesday starting at 1:30pm with the last appointment at 4:30pm.
Please call our office for an appointment.
Hornby Citizens Advice Bureau: 8 Goulding Street, Hornby, Christchurch
Lawyers are available on the first and third Tuesday of the month by appointment.
Contact our office for an appointment.
Homebuilders West Coast Trust office: 8 Marlborough Street, The Corner House, Greymouth.
Ngā Hau e Whā Marae
Lawyers are available every second Thursday by appointment.
Contact our office for times.
250 Pages Rd, Wainoni.
Prison Advice Service
We operate an advice service in the three Christchurch Prisons. We can give general legal advice including on prison related issues (e.g. Parole Board hearings and release conditions). We visit Christchurch Men’s twice a month, Rolleston & Women’s once a month.
The Principal Corrections Officer (PCO) makes the appointments. This is not through our office.
Alternatively, you can write us a letter: Prison Advice Service, PO Box 2912, Christchurch 8140.
Family Law Advice and Information Service
We operate a drop in service that provides family law information and advice at the Christchurch Justice Precinct. We are available each week on Level 3 of the court building at the following times:
Mondays from 10:00am until 12:00pm
Wednesdays from 3:00pm until 6:30pm
Thursdays from 10:00am until 12:00pm
We can provide advice on the following areas of family law:
Family Violence (Protection Orders)
Care of Children (Parenting Orders)
Welfare Guardianship (Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988)
We are unable to provide advice on relationship property or wills, trusts, and estates but we can provide you with basic information and referrals to lawyers who do practice in those areas.