legal information.
The law centre operates a telephone legal information service Monday to Friday between 10:00am and 4:00pm. The information line is staffed by CLC employees with additional support from senior law students and graduates.
The Infoline team can answer most questions about the law, including whether you have a legal issue. The law centre is prohibited from giving legal advice over the phone, so you may be asked to come in and see us for advice or if necessary, referrals to private practice lawyers or another agency may also be offered. As you will understand, this is a very busy service so it can take up to 2-3 days to get back to you.
0508 226 529 (0508 CANLAW)
03 3666 870 ext 1
helpful links.
There are many websites that may provide you with the information you need to resolve your issue. Some of these are listed below but there are many more.
The Community Law Centres o Aotearoa website has a useful library of information where you can search many areas of law: www.communitylaw.org.nz
On the New Zealand Law Society website, you can search for a lawyer as well as read their publications on different areas of law. www.lawsociety.org.nz
Citizens Advice Bureau is a free (non-legal) phone advice service: www.cab.org.nz
The Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce website has information for businesses, including a range of information and publications useful for employers - www.cecc.org.nz
www.legislation.got.nz — contains all New Zealand laws. It does not have council bylaws. Christchurch bylaws can be found here: https://www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/plans-strategies-policies-and-bylaws/bylaws/
Tenancy: information for both tenants and landlords, includes a template for a tenancy agreement and common unenforceable clauses - www.tenancy.govt.nz
www.justice.govt.nz — includes information on the courts, family law, fines, and how to check your criminal record
Ministry of Social Development - information on how the Ministry of Social Development can help you, including Work and Income - www.msd.govt.nz
Super Seniors: a subset of MSD that focuses on older citizens, including template for Enduring Power of Attorney Forms - www.superseniors.msd.govt.nz
IRD: information on tax, including Kiwisaver and Child Support - www.ird.govt.nz
The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment covers employment, immigration, building and housing, consumer affairs, business, economic development, and science and innovation - www.mbie.govt.nz
Consumer help for those buying and selling products, including you rights, and scam protection - www.consumerprotection.govt.nz
www.immigration.govt.nz — information and applications for visa’s and immigration
Netsafe: where you can go to report online scams and learn about staying safe and protecting your privacy online - www.netsafe.org.nz
Ngāi Tahu Māori Law Centre: for help and advice on Māori Land Court issues - www.ngaitahulaw.org.nz